Named after a character from Edward Abbey’s The Monkey Wrench Gang this route travels through some of the most scenic and remote terrain in the United States.
Showcasing some of the natural wonders of the Colorado Plateau region of the American southwest.
Linking together six national parks, national monuments, recreation areas, state parks, wilderness areas, and wilderness study areas.
Exclusively on public lands in southern Utah and northern Arizona, this out-of-the-way route will lead you through deep desert canyons, over high mountains, across rivers and ridges, revealing pieces of the personality of this unique region.
The Hayduke Trail
is unique among long-distance hiking trails.Unlike the standard long trails, the Hayduke Trail does not go through many populated areas. The route was created to intentionally avoid towns to give hikers a taste of real wilderness.
Arches - Canyonlands - Capitol Reef - Bryce - The Grand Canyon - Zion
When you’re out on the Trail, you are really on your own!
Hikers aspiring to walk the Hayduke Trail must do their homework: this isn’t a route that one can just begin without a lot of preparation.
It is broken down into 14 sections that are each a phenomenal hike by themselves. Each section can be accessed by vehicle so the thru-hiker can place food and water caches to re-supply for the long trek.
The logistical planning for heading out on this route is complicated, but those who take the time to set up a through hike will be well rewarded by their experience.
As one of the creators of this amazing route, I’d be happy to help as you delve into the details and planning.
Questions? Contact Us
Call (435) 259-1565